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Home > International Flowers

Contemporary Dish Garden - Intl

Contemporary Dish Garden - Intl

This attractive dish garden with blooms will enhance the decor of home or office.

Service not available in some areas. Flower and container substitutions may be necessary, depending on availability and cultural differences.

This product is for international delivery. For orders to USA, visit our other departments.
International credit cards welcomed - no fees or surcharges.
You save over $3 at FlowersFast! (Our competitors charge $22.95 for same-day delivery.) You get the same quality, at a lower price! FREE personalized gift message included. (Extra delivery charge for Alaska and Hawaii)

Next business day service available in most countries. (Allow TWO business days for Pacific Rim area.)

Substitutions may be necessary to ensure your arrangement or specialty gift is delivered in a timely manner and depending on availability. The utmost care and attention is given to your order to ensure that it is as similar as possible to the requested item. Substitution Policy

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